Latin America ComSoc Awards 2019
Annually, two awards are given to ComSoc members from the LA region to recognize their valuable work: the Latin America Region Young Professional Award and the Latin America Region Distinguished Service.
2019 winners will be invited to the Awards Ceremony to be organized in the Regional Chapter Chair Congresses (RCCC), November 14 and 15, 2019 in Salvador, Brazil.
I) Latin America Region Young Professional Award
Winner: Nury Gabriela Ramirez Cely
Nury Gabriela Ramirez currently works at Continental Automotive as a Technical Project Leader for the Body and Security unit of the Interior Division. She is in charge of a global team for the development of door control units. She worked at Cisco Systems as an Advanced Services Program Manager leading the effective delivery of routers and switches solutions to support the main internet service provider from Mexico, Megacable to optimize their network. She had 9 years of experience at Intel working for Intel Xeon based projects from being a Hardware Design Engineer up to an Engineering Program Manager. }
She is a Senior Member of IEEE with leadership role managing women’s technical outreach and professional awareness projects.
II) Latin America Region Distinguished Service Award
Winner: Ricardo A. Veiga
Ricardo A. Veiga is an Associate Professor at University of Buenos Aires (UBA), Faculty of Engineering. He was responsible for Postgraduate Studies and he is currently responsible for Planning and Management Control at the Faculty of Engineering, UBA. He was also Member of the Board of Directors of the Faculty of Engineering, UBA.
He graduated from UBA as an Electronics Engineer (six-year degree program), and pursued postgraduate studies in Japan, and UADE University.
He has also been working in Communications industry for 25 years, participating in the start-up of several companies. He has experience in leadership positions in mobile communications companies and service providers. Throughout his professional career he accomplished many achievements, including the start up of the largest private satellite network in Argentina, the strategic plan for launching a cellular telephone company, and the design and construction of world class contact centers. He was also involved with the development of special wireless data communications systems for industry applications. He has deployed his own consulting company. And he is leading the start up of a company that use the cellular network for mobile banking. Also, he was responsible for many added value services, as well as customer service, loyalty and retention programs.
He is member of the ComSoc’s Board of Governors as Member-at-Large (2017–2019). He is also member of the ComSoc’s Finance Standing Committee and the Technical Committees Recertification Standing Committee.
He was member of the ComSoc’s Board of Governors as Regional Director (2004–2005), increasing the number of Chapters by 17% and Student Branch Chapters by 100% in the region (38% of the total worldwide. He has led the Training Committee within ComSoc’s Wireless Certification Program (WCET). He was GOLD Coordinator and member of the LA Region Advisory Committee. He also served as Chair, Vice-chair and Treasurer of the Communications Chapter (Argentina Section). As Chair of the local ComSoc Chapter, he received the Chapter Achievement Award.
He also received the IEEE RAB Achievement Award, IEEE Third Millennium Medal, IEEE Richard E. Merwin Scholarship, and Larry K. Wilson Regional Student Award, among others.
He has become Student Member of the IEEE in 1980; he is a volunteer since 1985, and Senior Member since 2001.
Other IEEE positions:
GLOBAL COMMITTEES/BOARDS: He was member of the MGA Member Benefits Portfolio Advisory Committee, the MGA Individual Benefits & Services Committee (IB&SC), and the GOLD Committee.
REGIONAL: He was the Region 9 IEEE GOLD Coordinator.
SECTIONS/CHAPTERS: He served as Chair, Secretary, Treasurer and Membership Development Coordinator of the IEEE Argentina Section. He founded three local Chapters and one Joint Chapter in Argentina Section.
STUDENT BRANCHES: He was Chair and Vice-chair of the University of Buenos Aires Student Branch, and also founder & Chair of one of its Chapters.
Congratulations for Nury and Ricardo for this important achievement.