Dear ComSoc LA Member,

I am very pleased to send you the APRIL 2022  issue of the IEEE ComSoc Latin America Region Newsletter.  I encourage you to share it with all members and volunteers of your Chapter, by email or by suggesting them visit the IEEE ComSoc Latina America Region Website:

I take this opportunity to invite all Chapter Officers to contribute to this newsletter by submitting the reports of their best activities. I am sure you do a lot of good things in your Chapter so let us share them with all ComSoc members and let everyone know what you are up to! 
 Download the Newsletter 
 In this issue:
Girls in Information and Communication Technologies
By Yessica Sáez, Newsletter Editor in Chief – IEEE ComSoc Latin America
Comsoc in the IEEE Region 9 Regional Meeting
By Andrés Navarro, Director – IEEE ComSoc Latin America
Metaverso Industrial en el Perú
By Esmeralda Asurza, ComSoc Perú Chapter Chair
Comsoc Panama Chapter VDL Report
By Yessica Sáez, Newsletter Editor in Chief – IEEE ComSoc Latin America & ComSoc Panama Chapter Chair
Girls in ICTs celebration by ComSoc Peru Chapter
By Esmeralda Asurza, ComSoc Perú Chapter Chair
Tinkuy: Technology Innovation
By IEEE Student Branch – Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (UNI) – Universidad Nacional del Callao (UNAC), Perú
Next Events:
PERUCOM and WICE event at the ICC 2022 
 Download the Newsletter 
Yessica Sáez
Chair - IEEE ComSoc Panama Section 
Communications Coordinator & Global Communications Newsletter (GCN) Committee- IEEE ComSoc Latam
MaL-IEEE Women in Communications Engineering (WICE)Azuero Region
Liaison - IEEE Panama Section 
Volunteer - IEEE WIE/PES/YP Panama Section