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IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications Conference (LATINCOM) 2023, 
November 15 – 17, 2023, Panama City, Panama

Conference Websitehttps://latincom2023.ieee-latincom.org/


SUBMISSION LINK: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=31121

In 2023, the 15th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) will be held in Panama City, Panama. Panama City is a modern metropolis endowed with a rich history. The unique mix of cultures that this city treasures allows it to offer something for everyone. Discover its historic center (Casco Antiguo), the financial area, the Metropolitan Natural Park, the Panama Canal Visitor Center, where you can view the ships crossing through the Panama Canal locks, the “Cerro Ancon” for an amazing view of the city from a Tropical Rainforest, visit the island of Taboga for a quick island getaway and so much more.
IEEE LATINCOM 2023 will be held from November 15th-17th, 2023. The most important conference -on communications in Latin America; it is held annually and attracts submissions and participants from all around the globe. This conference is known for bringing together audiences from both industry and academia to learn about the latest research and innovations in communications and networking technology, share ideas and best practices, and collaborate on future projects.

IEEE LATINCOM 2023 is organized by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Latin America Region, Universidad Tecnologica de Panama (UTP) and the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Cientificas Avanzadas en Tecnologias de Informacion y Comunicacion (INDICATIC AIP) de Panama. We look forward to meeting you in Panama!

The LATINCOM 2023 Organizing Committee is inviting submissions of original, unpublished, high-quality research papers focused on (but not limited to) the following topics of interest:

– Mobile and Wireless Networking

– Communication QoS, Reliability & Performance Modeling

– Optical Networks

– Communications Theory & Signal Processing

– Next-generation Networking & Internet

– AI, Big Data and ML for Networking

– Selected Areas in Communications

– Blockchain in communications & networks

– Cloud, fog and edge computing

– Internet-of-Things

– New Space applications

– Smart cities and urban computing

– Smart grid communications

– Social networks, crowdsourcing, & crowdsensing

– Tactile Internet



Paper Submission Deadline:                            14 July 2023

Tutorial Submission Deadline:                          14 July 2023
Paper Acceptance Notification:                         7 September 2023


IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications Conference (LATINCOM) 2023, 
November 15 – 17, 2023, Panama City, Panama

Conference Websitehttps://latincom2023.ieee-latincom.org/


TUTORIAL SUBMISSION LINK: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=31121&track=119122

The IEEE LATINCOM is an international conference organized by the IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc) Latin America Region. IEEE LATINCOM is the most important conference on communications in Latin America; it is held annually and attracts submissions and participants from all around the world. This event will be an excellent opportunity to join together professors, researchers, industry and students.

In 2023, the 15th Latin-American Conference on Communications (LATINCOM) will be held in Panama City, Panama. Panama City is a modern metropolis endowed with a rich history. The unique mix of cultures that this city treasures allows it to offer something for everyone. Discover its historic center (Casco Antiguo), the financial area, the Metropolitan Natural Park, the Panama Canal Visitor Center, where you can view the ships crossing through the Panama Canal locks, the “Cerro Ancon” for an amazing view of the city from a Tropical Rainforest, visit the island of Taboga for a quick island getaway and so much more.

We look forward to meeting you online at IEEE LATINCOM 2023!


Provide a document (PDF) describing the tutorial with the following information:

1. Title of the tutorial.

2. Abstract, objectives and motivation.

3. Timeliness and intended audience.

4. Name, affiliation, and a short biography of each tutorial speaker.

5. A description of the technical issues that the tutorial will address, emphasizing its timeliness.

6. An outline of the tutorial content, including its tentative schedule. Usually, the length of the tutorials is 4 to 8 effective hours but can be proposed as half-a-day or full-day tutorials.

7. If appropriate, a description of the past/relevant experience of the speaker(s) on the topic of the tutorial.

8. A description of previous tutorial experience of the speaker(s), and past versions of the tutorial.

9. Topics for the tutorials are the same as the CFP. You can check them here: https://latincom2023.ieee-latincom.org/call-papers

– Mobile and Wireless Networking
– Communication QoS, Reliability & Performance Modeling

– Optical Networks

– Communications Theory & Signal Processing

– Next-generation Networking & Internet

– AI, Big Data and ML for Networking

– Selected Areas in Communications

– Blockchain in communications & networks

– Cloud, fog and edge computing

– Internet-of-Things

– New Space applications

– Smart cities and urban computing

– Smart grid communications

– Social networks, crowdsourcing, & crowdsensing

– Tactile Internet


Tutorial proposals must be formatted as the standard IEEE double-column conference template and submitted in PDF on EDAS Maximum 4 pages are allowed for each proposal, including all illustrations and references. Submission link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=31121&track=119122

Questions & Comments:

Contact Keynote & Tutorial Chair: Marco To, Ph.D. – m.a.t@ieee.org



Tutorial Submission Deadline:                          14 July 2023
Notification of Acceptance:                               7 September 2023