Latest Past Events

Celebrando Trayectorias

Av. Ladron de Guevara E11-253, Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador, 170525

"Celebrando Trayectorias IEEE" Objetivo del Evento El objetivo principal del evento es reconocer la dedicación y compromiso de los miembros de IEEE por su antigüedad y contribuciones a la sociedad, así como fomentar el intercambio de experiencias entre los asistentes. Este evento busca fortalecer los lazos entre los miembros y promover un sentido de pertenencia en la institución. Detalles del Evento - Fecha: 20 de diciembre 2024 - Horario: 8h00 a 10h00 - Lugar: Sala de grados de la Facultad de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica de la Escuela Politécnica Nacional. - Duración: 2 horas - Asistentes esperados: 40-50 personas Actividades Principales - Ceremonia de Reconocimiento: - Entrega de certificados y reconocimientos especiales a los miembros de IEEE con mayor antigüedad. - Mención de sus contribuciones más destacadas. - Panel de Experiencias: - Espacio para que los homenajeados compartan sus vivencias y aprendizajes en el IEEE. - Sesión de Networking: - Actividades para fomentar la interacción entre los miembros actuales y los estudiantes interesados en IEEE. Co-sponsored by: Departamento de Electrónica, Telecomunicaciones y Redes de Información EPN Av. Ladron de Guevara E11-253, Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador, 170525

IEEE Women in Sensors 2024 at Mackenzie University

São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

The objective is to present lectures about sensors by important women professionals in research and engineering in academia and industry to motivate young women in their academic and professional careers. São Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil

IEEE CS Byte2Solution Challenge {Training}


IEEE CS Byte2Solution Challenge is a competition designed to highlight and develop innovative talent in the fields of technology and computer science. Following the success of the first edition held in Barranquilla at Universidad Simón Bolívar, this event has become a space for learning, creativity, and collaboration. This time, students will have the opportunity to compete alongside other outstanding teams from the region, with the previous year’s winning team from Universidad Simón Bolívar returning to defend their title in the grand final. This year’s IEEE CS Byte2Solution Challenge will unfold in three key stages: - Training: On November 20, teams will participate in a workshop to gain insights into Elevator Pitch, Business Model Canvas, and Prototyping—essential tools for structuring and effectively communicating their projects. - Semifinals at the IEEE CS Student Chapter in each university: From November 21 to 28, teams will compete in an internal round to select their university’s IEEE CS Student Chapter representative. - Grand Final in Cartagena: On November 30, at Universidad Unitecnar, the qualified teams, including the previous year’s winning team, will compete in the grand final. This event is not only a competition but also an opportunity for students to strengthen their skills, share innovative ideas, and build a network of contacts that will support their professional growth. ( Agenda: - Virtual: