IEEE ComSoc Article Contest.
Deadline for Submission For apply: send your article through the form in the link.
Deadline for Submission For apply: send your article through the form in the link.
The 2nd South American Colloquium on Visible Light Communications (SACVLC) will be held, which, in this new version, aims to bring together students, academics and national and international organizations interested in this field of research
Webinar in spanish. We will talk about the impact and growth of IoT and how current and future PON networks can help access and transport the traffic generated by this people-centered technology. The different characteristics, options and advantages of PON network technologies for this purpose will be reviewed. Lecturer: MSc. Mauricio H. Aliaga Villacorta Director de Redes de Acceso Fijo en ZTE, Bolivia. Time: 20:30 - 22:00 (GMT-5) 21:30 - 23:00 (GMT-4) 22:30 - 00:00 (GMT-3)
Webinar in spanish. The agricultural sector has experienced in recent years the emigration from the countryside to the city, impacting the development of crops and livestock. To mitigate it, farmers and entrepreneurs are using technology to maintain their production levels. The most relevant advances and applications of ICT in the global agricultural sector for the optimization of agricultural production are presented, such as IoT, IA and Big Data to integrate industry 4.0. Lecturer: PhD. Mónica Huerta Profesora Titular Principal, Universidad Politécnica Salesiana, Ecuador Time: 17:00-18:30 (GMT -5)
Webinar in spanish. Lecturer: Ing. Carlos Marcelo Martínez Gerente de área técnica de LACNIC, Registro Latinoamericano de direcciones de Internet. Time: 17:00 (UTC)
Webinar in spanish Lecturer: Ing. Aldo Villalaz CEO, ATP Electrónics, Panamá Time: 17:00 - 18:00 (GMT-5)
Lecturer: Gianfranco Tori De Florio Gerente de Desarrollo de Negocios en la Región Centro América, Caribe y Andino (operación CANSAC) en Cisco Systems Time: 19:00 GMT-5 More information on the event and certification at the following link: For register, click in the link below
With the fourth industrial revolution, the problems present in the market and in the industry have become increasingly complex and interdisciplinary, often requiring professionals who have, besides a solid technical background, the ability to deal with real-world problems using modern tools. Artificial intelligence has been placed as one of these tools in this ever-changing world. And the tools developed in these areas have been used to solve problems that conventional heuristics are not able to solve, such as the design of communication networks, information mining in large databases, pattern detection in images and videos, intelligent recommendation systems, prediction of anomalous behavior, prediction of time series, among others. The purpose of this lecture is to discuss how these tools can impact the transformation of activities related to engineering, including applications in telecommunications and networks. Lecturer: PhD. Carmelo Bastos Filho Associate Professor at the Polytechnic School of the University of Pernambuco, Brasil Time: 8:00-9:00 (GMT -5) 9:00-10:00 (GMT -4) 10:00-11:00 (GMT -3) To register, click on the attached link.
Webinar in English In future energy grids, fast and dynamic transactions are a prerequisite. Lecturer: Dr. Claudio Lima Executive, CTO Global Cost: General Public $5.00 IEEE Members $0.00 Time: 19:00 (GMT-5)
Las soluciones IoT presentan desafíos tecnológicos para las soluciones Blockchain. Se presentarán los fundamentos de Blockchain en general y Tangle IOTA (DAC) específicos para IoT, con los fundamentos de una calificación tecnológica más específica. Se analizarán diferentes tecnologías de Libro mayor distribuido con énfasis en los desafíos presentados por las soluciones IoT. Verá la necesidad de IoT (o no) de mineros, GPU ASICS, algoritmos de consenso y contratos. ¿La triple restricción de escalabilidad, seguridad y descentralización es posible para IoT? Se presentarán alternativas para tener sensores IoT con algoritmos integrados para libros distribuidos. Se realizará un análisis de diferentes alternativas para implementar Ledgers distribuidos y casos reales en soluciones IoT. Expositor: Ing., MBA, PMP, Gustavo Giannattasio Consultor en Telecomunicaciones- IoT & Smart Cities, Miembro del directorio de sociedad IEEE TEMS Horas: 18:00-20:00 (GMT -5) 19:00-21:00 (GMT -4) 20:00-22:00 (GMT -3) Para registrarse, haga clic en el enlace adjunto.
In this presentation we will talk about how by applying signal detection and classification techniques to manatee vocalizations we can identify them. We will see how using LoRa technology we can monitor them in real time. In addition, we will talk about how all this engineering can help save the West Indian manatee. Lecturer: Dr. Fernando Merchan Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá Time: 16h00 GMT-5 To register, click in the link below